This “Millennium Challenge Compact” is made between the United States of America, acting through the Millennium Challenge Corporation,(“MCC”), and the Government of the Republic of Vanuatu.
The Compact between the Vanuatu Government and the Millennium Challenge Corporation was sign on March 2, 2006.
Project Objectives. The overall objective of this Compact is to reduce poverty
and increase incomes in rural areas by stimulating economic activity in the tourism and
agricultural sectors through the improvement of transport infrastructure, which is key to
economic growth and poverty reduction in Vanuatu (the “Compact Goal”). The Parties have
identified the following project-level objectives (each a “Project Objective” and together the
“Project Objectives”) to advance the Compact Goal, each of which is described in more detail in
the Annexes attached hereto:
- Provide improved or new priority transport infrastructure in rural areas and outer
islands, including roads, wharfs, airstrips and warehouses (the “Infrastructure Objective”); and
- Strengthen the ability of the Government, specifically the capacity and capability
of the Department of Public Works, to maintain and sustain Vanuatu’s infrastructure assets (the
“Institutional Strengthening Objective”).
The Government expects to achieve, and shall use its best efforts to ensure the achievement of,
these Project Objectives during the Compact Term.
- Section 1.2 Projects. The Annexes attached hereto describe the specific projects and the
policy reforms and other activities related thereto (each, a “Project”) that the Government will
carry out, or cause to be carried out, in furtherance of this Compact to achieve the Project
- Section 1.3 Entry into Force; Compact Term. This Compact shall enter into force on the date
of the last letter in an exchange of letters between the Principal Representatives of each Party
confirming that each Party has completed its domestic requirements for entry into force of this
Compact and that all conditions set forth in Section 4.1 have been -satisfied by the Government
and MCC (such date, the “Entry into Force”). This Compact shall remain in force for five (5)
years from the date of the entry into force of this Compact, unless earlier terminated in
accordance with Section 5.4 (the “Compact Term”).